

Cockrell School of Engineering

  • Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering
    • Climate Change Mitigation C E 370L/C E 388H
    • Drinking Water: Treatment and Public Health Issues C E 385W
    • Contemporary Transportation Issues C E 391T
    • Air Resources Engineering: Human Exposure to Indoor Air Pollution C E 396L topic 6
    • Equity, Data, and the Environment C E 397/ARE 377K
    • Energy Transitions and Our Communities C E397

College of Fine Arts

  • Theatre and Dance
    • Research Methods and Resources T D 388
  • Design and Creative Technologies
    • Design and Culture DES 307
    • Color in Theory and Practice DES 323
    • Ecological Interaction Design DES 353
    • Speculative Futures: Bio Design ITD 330T
    • Future Shaping ITD 330T
    • Intro to Design in Health ITD 330T
    • Play-Design Lab ITD 330T

College of Liberal Arts

  • African and African Diaspora Studies
    • Geographies of International Development in Africa AFR 340M
    • Race, Capitalism, and the Environment AFR 351U
    • Food in the Racialized City AFR 352P
  • American Studies
    • Introduction to Native American Histories AMS 315O
    • Building America AMS 315P
    • Environmental History of North America AMS 329 HIS 350R/URB 328E
    • American Disasters AMS 370 topic 34
  • Anthropology
    • Anthropology of Food ANT 323S
    • Environmental Anthropology ANT 324G
    • Oral History of Native Texas ANT 324L
    • Cultures of Sustainability ANT 325C
  • Asian Studies
    • Representing Disaster in Japan ANS 321C
    • The Environment and East Asia ANS 321D
  • English
    • Global Environmental Lit/Film E 343G
    • Literature and Social Justice E 343J
    • Sustainability and Representation E 343S
    • Food Writing, Culture, and the Environment E 345F
  • European Studies
    • European Environmental Politics EUS 348 topic 3
  • Geography & the Environment
    • This Human World: An Introduction to Geography GRG 305
    • Creating the Sustainable Society GRG 309C/SOC 309C
    • Environmental Justice GRG 320J/356
    • Human Health and the Environment GRG 322D
    • South America: Nature, Society, and Sustainability GRG 323K
    • The Healthy, Livable City GRG 325E/URB 325E
    • Children’s Environmental Health GRG 334E/356
    • National Parks and Protected Areas GRG 336C
    • Political Ecology of Globalization and Environmental Degradation GRG 340D
    • Sustainable Development GRG 342C
    • Environmental Law GRG 344G
    • Global Food, Farming, and Hunger GRG 344K/LAS 330
    • Climate Change and Vegetation Response in the Kalahari GRG 367D
    • Enviro-Cultural Dynamics in Botswana GRG 368D
  • Government
    • European Environmental Politics GOV 365U
    • Politics of Protecting the Great Barrier Reef GOV 347P
  • Health and Society
    • Sustainability, Equity, and Health H S 347E/GRG 342S
    • Health and Justice H S 341 PHL 325J
  • History
    • Introduction to Native American Histories HIS 317L
    • Building America HIS 317L
    • Global Environmental History HIS 350L topic 87
    • Radical Hope and Environmental History HIS 350L topic 95
    • Environmental History HIS 350R AMS 329/URB 353
  • Mexican American and Latina/o Studies
    • Native American Women’s History MAS 320G
  • Sociology
    • Environmental Inequality and Health SOC 307Q
    • Creating the Sustainable Society SOC 309C/GRG 309C
    • Global Health Issues and Health Systems SOC 321G
    • Social Inequality SOC 321Q/SOC 321K/LAH 350
    • Environmental Sociology SOC 321V
    • Building the Sustainable City SOC 323S/URB 323S
    • Race, Class, and Health SOC 336D
    • Social Inequality and Health in the United States SOC 342N/LAH 351R
  • Undergraduate Studies
    • Climate Change is History UGS 302
    • Sustaining a Planet UGS 303
  • Urban Studies
    • Urban Studies Research Methods URB 315
    • Environmental History of North America URB 328E/AMS 329/HIS 350R
  • Women’s and Gender Studies
    • Intro to Women’s and Gender Topics WGS 305
    • Reproductive Justice and Race WGS 340 topic 78
    • Race, Capitalism, and the Environment WGS 335 topic 82
    • American Food WGS 345 topic 41
    • Nature and Gender in America WGS 345 topic 42

College of Natural Sciences

  • Public Health
    • Environmental Health PBH 338
  • Nutritional Sciences
    • International Nutrition: Social and Environmental Policies NTR 331

Jackson School of Geosciences

  • Earth and Planetary Sciences
    • The Science of Environmental Justice GEO 371T

LBJ School of Public Affairs

  • Public Affairs
    • Advanced Public Management PA 384F
    • Mobilizing Communities and Engaging Volunteers PA 384F

McCombs School of Business

  • Accounting
    • Corporate Sustainability ACC 178, 278, 378 topic 6
    • Global Business Sustainability ACC 178, 278, 378 topic 7
  • Business, Government, and Society
    • Energy Technology and Policy BGS 170, 270, 370 topic 1
    • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility BGS 170, 270, 370 topic 3
    • Global Business Sustainability BGS 170, 270, 370 topic 5
    • Strategic Corporate Communication BGS 373
    • Energy Economics BGS 382E
    • Economics of Sustainable Business BGS 382S
    • Environmental Regulation of Business BGS 389

Moody College of Communication

  • Advertising
    • Communicating Sustainability ADV 324
    • Environmental Communication ADV 378 topic 40
  • Journalism
    • Sustainability and the News J 305
    • Urban Journalism J 344G
    • Reporting on the Environment J 346F
    • Domestic Issues and Global Perspective J 346G

School of Architecture

  • Architecture
    • Regenerative Architecture ARC 327G
    • Smart, Green, and Just ARC 327R topic 16
    • Sustainable Architectural Design ARC 327R topic 27
    • Sustainability: Why this Way ARC 327R topic 28
    • Environmental Controls I ARC 334K
    • Environmental Controls II ARC 334L
  • Community and Regional Planning
    • Disasters and Resilience: Planning and Response CRP 383 topic 4
    • Urban Environmental Analysis CRP 383 topic 5
    • Introduction to Urban Ecology CRP 383 topic 6
    • Environmental Law and Public Health CRP 383 topic 12
    • Sustainable Land Use Planning CRP 386 topic 9
    • Water Resources Planning CRP 387C topic 2
    • Environmental Impact Assessment CRP 383 topic 3
    • Social, Spatial, and Environmental Justice CRP 385C topic 7
    • Built Environment and Public Health CRP 385C topic 8
    • Race and the Built Environment CRP 387C topic 7

School of Law

  • Law
    • Corporate Accountability for Environmental and Public Health Harms 185Q
    • Environmental Law LAW 2241L
    • Environmental Law/Public Health LAW 379M
    • Prisons and the Environment 389V
    • Energy Development and Policy LAW 396W
    • SMNR: Cultures of Environmental Justice: Rights, Movements, Communities LAW 397S
    • SMNR: Environmental Impact of Development and Production LAW 397S
    • SMNR: Food Safety Law LAW 397S
    • SMNR: Endangered Species Act LAW 397S
    • SMNR: Biodiversity and Wildlife Law LAW 397S
    • SMNR: Environmental Litigation LAW 397S
    • Environmental Law: Toxics LAW 391E-1
    • Environmental Law: Climate, Air, and Water LAW 391E-2
    • Environmental Law and Natural Resources LAW 391E-3
    • U.S. Environmental Law LAW 391E-4
    • Coastal Watersheds LAW 391E-5
    • Clinic: Environmental LAW 697C

Steve Hicks School of Social Work

  • Social Work
    • Foundations of Social Justice S W 325